The tale of recognition

Recognition is a word. A very very strong word.

When you do something amazing you yourself feel amazing. But when it comes to negative feelings or unhappiness we always feel that it is to be kept among ourselves..... You cry alone. But it is indeed a battle of recognition. You can get recognition easily in terms of event related to pride joy and whatever that we want to share with everyone. When it comes to sadness you feel you can share it with all..... You want your negative emotions to be recognised by the closest and dear ones around you. Now....... I have figured out a very important thing about life recently. Yes.... It is obvious that i am writing about it and the issue is...... Recognition.

You did something amazing you want otjers to appreciate you. You want to be recognised for the effort.

You worked hard at your job.... Maybe a promotion is recognition that your efforts have be taken into account.

You cooked something with your heart out.... You would expect that people would give you a feedback so that you know they had it and thought of saying something about it.

Love is also about the same damn issue. You are in love with someone? Wouldn't it be amazing to be loved back...... Getting the recognition of your emotions?

You are sad.....your loved ones shoulder to cry on is a recognition of 'i care for you dear. I get that you are in a bad place. You can cry your heart out and it's okay. And i am here for you as the shoulder to cry on'

You are stressed. Your friend notices that. It is the recognition of the unbreakable bond you have in the form of understanding.

Loving you and praising you during good times is the easiest things ever. Recognition of your darkest emotions and being there for you is the hardest.

Its easy to love when you smile. It is hardest to find love when you are crying.

Recognise yourself and recognise those people who care for your emotions whether it is laughter or sorrow. Don't let them go if you ever get one. These people are like gems and good girls...... When they are gone, they  are gone forever.
